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Glass Personalised Gifts

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Here at Krin we offer high end, high speed laser cutting and laser engraving services using ‘state of the art’ technology producing superb results for our clients.  Glass engraving with beautiful images, patterns or text can achieve striking results, and our superb Lasers are an excellent choice for glasswork, as their speed and accuracy is preferred to traditional methods, and there’s no depth to the image that’s engraved into the glass, just a crisp frosted effect.

Glass comes in many different types of quality and composition, and this can make it difficult to predict the exact effect that will be achieved during the glass engraving process. We test glass types before starting a job to establish the correct power setting, and treat the surface of the glass with a thin film of liquid soap to protect the glass surface from damage during engraving.

Sandblasting glass gives a more smoother and sharper appearance with razor sharp results; the process taking slightly longer as its mainly hand processed but well worth the results.  Ultimately our glass engraving tools allow us to offer these services to create the ultimate and bespoke gifts.

Or if you have something of your own that you’d like engraved instead? Then Krintech, our engraving arm is the place to go.  Simply give us a call or email with your request and you’ll be advised as to best approach for your item. Whether it’s a leather of glass gift, an iPad / tablet device, or metal bracelet, we’ll have the answer!

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